
Speed is the New Green, Advanced Fundamentals for High Performance Doors

AIA Continuing Education

HFL012019 - Speed is the New Green, Advanced Fundamentals for High Performance Doors

Provider: Hörmann Flexon LLC

Length: 1 Hour

Credits: 1 AIA HSW CES

LU / HSW: Yes

Cost: FREE


High performance flexible and rigid doors are designed for fast operation and longevity. Learn about the environmental attributes and useful information for properly applying these doors to a wide range of building types. Watch brief multimedia clips that provide examples of operation, safety and ease of repair in various settings.

The course material will better prepare participants to properly select high performance doors on building projects, improving occupant safety, security, and environmental well-being.

Prerequisite Knowledge

Participants should be familiar with concepts relating to overhead coiling, sectional and side opening doors, and sustainable design practices.

Learning Objectives

Upon completion of this course, the design professional will be able to:

  1. Identify and apply several environmental, and physical security and safety factors addressed by high performance doors to building designs.
  2. Understand critical features of how to incorporate high performance doors into the design process, early enough to coordinate with structural, electrical and mechanical disciplines and avoid common application errors.
  3. Recognize opportunities and innovative ways to incorporate high performance doors into a variety of building types to improve efficiency in traffic flow, occupant safety, and environmental performance qualities.

Method of Delivery

The course is offered to design professionals in a lunch and learn setting.  The course is presented in PowerPoint.

For More Information, Please Contact

Hörmann Flexon LLC

Joshua Harter, AIA, NCARB, LEED bd+c
+1 724 385 9150 (ext. 305)
+1 724 385 9150 (ext. 305)